Thursday, November 30, 2006

Last Day of November

Okay, so today is the last day of November and I still have not finished Hayden's pants. I started it in September. I probably would have finished or came close had I not used the wrong shade of yarn on one of the legs. Oops!!!

I wish I had more time to knit. I did get to knit for about 20 mins on my lunchbreak and it felt soooo good!!! The boys come before my leisure time at home. Working full time takes me away from my boys long enough. When I get home it is all about dinner, nursing, baths, play time, whatever chores I could fit in and bed. A busy mom, I am and it is worth every second. I know that there will be time to knit in the future and I am thoroughly enjoying the present with these little guys. I know a day will come when my babies won't be little anymore so I am cherishing this time.

Hayden had a stuffy nose last night and woke up crying several times. He has never had a night where he cried like that before. Poor little guy. Tonight, I will get the humidifier going.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Where Does The Time Go?

Thanksgiving was nice. The four day weekend went by too quickly. I was able to knit a few rows. However, I haven't been able to knit since. I have been busy on my lunchbreaks. I can't wait until I get a chance to knit again.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

My boss is cutting us loose early today. I am going to go home, do as many chores as I can, and maybe I can squeeze some knitting in before I pick up the boys. Woo Hoo! I am so happy. I want to finish Hayden's pants and move on to the next project. I am thinking of kitting a spiral scarf for a friend or maybe a shawl for myself. I have a scarf pattern in mind, but not a shawl pattern that I would like to make yet.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Good Weekend

I had a good weekend. Saturday evening, I put the boys to bed and dh and I stayed up watching something like the best songs of the 80's on VH1. I know, cheesy, but it brought back memories and there were some cool songs. Instead of picking up toys and doing whatever chores I could, I decidied that I was going to relax while watching the program and knit some more rows of Hayden's pants. Yes!! I love evenings where I get to knit and they don't happen very often.

We took the boys to Sears to have their pictures taken on Sunday. Hunter was acting grouchy that morning and I expected that we would only get pics taken of Hayden. In addition, the last time I took Hunter to have his pic taken, he wouldn't have it. However, Hunter was awesome this time. He was like a little model. I was so entirely happy. As a bonus, I watched with pride while Hunter shared his book with a little girl in the waiting room. Afterwards, we took Hunter to a play area in the mall and I was able to knit a few rows.

Yeah, it was a good weekend.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Another Mistake

I did not get to knit yesterday. A coworker has a disabled vehicle and I have been giving him rides to work. He asked that I drive him to the bank yesterday and lunch was on him. I coundn't turn down a free lunch!!! Therefore, I did not get to knit on my lunch break. When I got home, forget it. Hunter helped me make the teriyaki sauce for our chicken teriyaki dinner last night and spilled some of the ingredients all over the floor. Therefore, I was mopping floors last night along with dinner, laundry, bathing the boys, the usual routine. I even cut the veggies last night for today's crockpot stew dinner. Don't you just love it when you get home and dinner is already made!!! Maybe I will have time to thumb through some knitting magazines while I nurse and hold little Hayden tonight.

I did get to knit during lunch, today!! It felt so good! I was so happy to just knit that I completely disregarded my pattern instructions and missed an increase. I also lost a stitch somewhere. I guess I will be frogging tomorrow. I know, I know, it is all part of the learning process. When will I ever finish Hayden's little fuzzy pants?!

I got the pattern from Berroco's website. The pattern for the outfit is
Granny Smith and is so cute. I love the fuzzy pants!!! I am using Patons, Be Mine yarn.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Christmas So Early

My Mom and I took the boys to the mall on Saturday. All of the Christmas decorations were in place. And guess who was there? Santa!!! Hunter would not go near Santa. Hence, Hayden had his picture taken with Santa.

I knit some rows during lunch. It is so hard to put the needles down when 1:00 arrives. I just want to keep going.

I am tired today. Little Hayden has a cold and he woke up a few times frustrated, because his little nose was plugged. He would not let me suction his nose. I had a humidifier going. Poor little guy. Hunter, DH, and I all have the cold.

Monday, November 13, 2006

First Post

I have been working on a pair of pants for Hayden (6 mos). I don't usually get to knit anywhere except work (lunch break) because I work full time, keep house, cook and have 2 boys, Hunter (2 1/2) and Hayden. My lunch usually goes like this. I grub and play on the internet, then I pump (I am nursing Hayden), and finally, I get to knit. If I eat quickly, I can knit for up to 30 mins. Anyway, I completed one leg of Hayden's pants which, used one ball of yarn, and moved onto the next. Yay! I was so excited on Friday when I almost finished the second leg because I have been working on this project whenever I can, since September. I put the almost finished leg next to the finished leg and guess what? The yarn was in two different colors!! I purchased two balls of different color yarn!! What a dork. On top of that, this is my first project to be knitted in continental style. Hence, the gauge of the first leg is way off because I got really weird with it. Oh, well. It is a learning experience. At the pace I am going, Hayden is going to be too big to wear them!!!

We took the boys to Chuck E Cheese on Saturday. You know how you see on TV a person who comes out of the bathroom and cruises around with toilet seat protector stuck to their shoe? Well, I was that person until some kind gent pointed it out to me!! At least I wasn't there with a party or something. What a goof!!!