Today is not my usual Monday. Three of the salesmen are in Chicago, for some training on a line of product. Hence, I am answering the majority of calls and trying my hand at sales. It is nice to add something else to my day. I actually took it upon myself to answer the calls first. You see, besides the president, I am the last person to pick up the phone (in other words, only if the salesmen and the other owners are unavailable, I pick it up). I have taken it upon myself to do things which are not part of my job. I have asked Michael (the president) if he has any sales orders I could enter, I have gone out to the warehouse to check stock, I have sent order confirmations to customers, and have ensured packages are ready to ship. Nobody has asked me to do these things, I am just doing them. It is actually fun to do something a little different.
Michael is going to take us to lunch tomorrow. I love free lunches. He is a pretty nice guy. He has a bit of a memory problem and gets mad before he gets all of the facts (and finds out that what he is angry about is either his fault or someone else's, very rarely mine).
My weekend went well. We went to Hayward to meet the family for dinner. Hunter had fun and behaved pretty well. Hayden did really well. He did not get 'fitty' all evening. When we were leaving, everyone was outside and saying 'goodbye' to each other. I had Hayden and Rob was supposed to be watching Hunter. Hunter disappeared from his sight. We found him in the parking lot with Aunt Sue. I didn't say anything to Rob but I was fuming (not because he was with Aunt Sue but because, Rob lost track of him). I did tell him that we were next to a busy street. He said that he was upset too. I need to have a talk with him about keeping a closer eye on Hunter. This is something I have been meaning to talk to him about for a while. You see, I DON'T let Hunter out of my sight when I am responsible for watching him. When Rob is responsible, I relax and let Rob handle it. However, he just does not meet my standards. It scares me. It scares me an awful lot. If I am outside with Hunter, I have to be able to see him ALWAYS. If he moves behind something, I move so I can see him. I may be overprotective, but I don't care. It only takes a few seconds to run out into the street and get run over and it only takes a few seconds for a monster to grab him. I am just trying to figure out how to approach my husband without him getting angry over it. I tried this before, when Hayden was only a month or so old. We went to Martini Day at the yhact club. I had Hayden and Rob was to be watching Hunter. However, Rob was too far behing Hunter and let him too far out of his sight. I was not worried too much for Hunter's safety when it came to the people because we were mostly in the clubhouse. I wasn't too worried about him falling the water either. I was mostly humiliated more than once when Hunter would enter the room and then leave out a door. I had to try to catch him with the baby. My husband would then appear a couple of minutes later. I tried to talk to my dh but he got upset and told me that he was 'right behind' Hunter. Well 'right behind' is subjective. To me, when it comes to a child, you should be 'right behind' him meaning able to see him at all times and in close proximity.
I finished one of Hunter's socks!!! I just need to weave in the ends. Hunter likes his sock. He asked me what I was doing when I was knitting it. I replied, "I am knitting a sock just for you." He said, "Oh, wow. Thank you!" (he is less than 3 years old). He was really happy that I was making him a sock. He is so sweet!!