Friday, May 18, 2007


I have been really busy lately. I haven't posted for a week. Our daycare lady has been on vacation for two weeks. I stayed home with the boys on Monday and Tuesday and have been busy at work, because of the days off (you know, I really could do this job in only 3 days a week, but like I said before, my boss wants me here full-time).

I have decided to frog the sock I have been working on. I haven't touched it because I was debating on whether or not to scrap the project. I haven't started any other knitting project because I will only work on one at a time. I fear that if I start other projects, I will have many unfinished objects sitting around the house. So, it is one at a time for me. Anyway, back to the sock, the ankle looks funny because I knit the sock too loosely. When using the circulars for socks, I knit too loosely, when using the double-pointed needles, I knit too tightly. I have to do something in the middle. My next project is going to be a pair of socks to be a gift, dk weight, with yarn dyed by moi! I dyed it up last night, hung it to dry, and will take pics of it this weekend so I can post a picture.

This weekend is Hayden's first birthday party!! He turns 1 on 05/22. We are having a party at my Aunt's home. I can't wait. I would like to take the boys in to get their pictures taken before we go to the party. I guess I had better get a move on and call to make an appointment.

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