Hunter has been to the gun club and stuff with Rob. I trust him because he was raised to completely respect guns. He took safety courses and his father taught him well. He comes from a line of hunters and both sides of his family hunt. Anyway, he and Hunter are going to camp there for the night on Saturday. I am excited about this because I don't get much one-on-one time with my little Hayden. When I try to read books with Hayden, Hunter has to get in the middle and tries to get attention too. I understand, he is just a little boy. However, Hunter got to spend the first two years of his life alone with me. Hayden needs a little 'alone with Mommy time'.
I plan on taking Hayden to Babies R Us to get him his own dinnerware and flatware, reading books and just playing with him. He is my little sweety. I am feeling extra bad because my husband, being very observant, told me that when Hunter succeeds in distracting me, Hayden gets a little look on his face and looks down at his little hands. My poor baby. So, from now on. I am going encourage Rob to do more stuff alone with Hunter.
I have started a new project. I am using Shaefer Yarn called Lola. It is 100% wool and superwash. I am knitting a pair of socks on 12" Addi Turbos. One of the salesladies at a LYS suggested I try it. I am excited and hope that this speeds up my time in sock knitting. I noticed that with the knitting blogs I visit, I haven't found one where the knitter uses these. They usually use the double pointed needles and some use long circulars. There has to be a reason why not many use the 12" circs. Maybe as I knit, I will find out. Then again, maybe my knitting time will speed up and I will come to love this method.

"Mommy and I are going to spend quality time together this weekend!"
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