Little Hayden had a bit of a runny nose on Saturday. In the afternoon and evening he threw up. Poor little guy. He was sick. He was fussy Sunday and screamed a lot (his way of saying 'I really need something'). I stayed home with them yesterday because Hayden was still fussy. That afternoon, my nasal area plugged, my throat became sore, the roof of my mouth and my teeth hurt, and I had the worst headache. I am so glad that Rob made dinner for us (BBQ ribs).
I couldn't sleep last night. My whole head hurt so much. I took cold medicine (Dr. approved), used saline solution in my nose, and had the humidifier going full blast. Nothing worked. So around 11 pm, I decided to take some pain medicine so I could sleep. It worked. I called in today because I am back where I was last night, with the same symptoms. I am in constant pain. I am debating on whether to take the boys to Linda's or not. I think I should so I could get some rest.

"I getting ready for the Easter egg hunt"

"I, messy face, want my picture taken too!"
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