Linda took today off and my husband is home with the boys. Because I did not have to get the boys ready and take them to Linda's, I got to sleep in for an extra hour! Yippee!
I fell behind on my chores. Hence, Wednesday evening I didn't get to spend much time with the boys at all. When we got home I started dinner, picked up around the house and folded a couple of loads of clothes. After dinner I did the dishes, swept and cleaned up Hayden's dinner mess, finished folding and putting away the clothes and got the boys in the tub. While they were in the tub, scrubbed them and had Rob watch them as I vacuumed the house. By the time we got the boys out and dressed them, it was time for bed.
Last night was better. Rob made dinner and Hunter helped. I thanked Rob and told him that he enabled me to spend some more time with Hayden. Hence, while Rob cooked, I played with Hayden. Hayden ate some 'real' (meaning not baby food type) peas and rice. He really liked the peas. That is good. I also gave him a sweet potatoe/applesauce blend of babyfood. He made faces but ate it. He just isn't into fruits yet. But Rob got sneaky by buying some blended baby foods like the sweet potatoe/applesauce. Smart man.
After dinner, it was the usual dish washing, cleaning up Hayden's mess, then off to baths. This time Hayden did not sit in his seat. He got to sit in the tub 'like a big boy'. He was so happy with his new freedom. He kept scooting over to Hunter to partake in what Hunter was doing. Hunter kept saying, "Mommy, move him over." Poor Hunter, he had better get used to it because once Hayden can walk/crawl, he is going to be into everything Hunter is trying to do. Poor Hayden, Hunter is sometimes going to get irritated with his little brother getting into everything he is doing. Hayden just wants to do it too. I try to get Hunter to share and let his brother join in.

"We are in our play tent"
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