I wish that I had not ordered the dye because I have done some research since I ordered it. After my research, I would much prefer to use food dye. I found this wonderful article at knitty.com (Note: the article also has cool links). I am going to use liquid food dye and/or Kool Aid. I have some liquid food dye at home. In addition, and most importantly, the food dye and Kool Aid are not dangerous to my boys. Furthermore, Hunter can 'help' me dye the yarn.
I do like the look of the bare yarn. So, maybe I will hold off on dyeing.
I blocked the project I made for my cousin last night. I put the project on a towel and pushed pins through to the carpet in the closet (so the boys can't get in there). Hunter did help me a bit. He is my helpy little helper and I adore the help. I will post pics of the project later.
Today is Administrative Professionals Day (Happy Admin. Prof. Day, Mom, if you are reading this). Of course, my boss, in his usual unorganized fashion, forgot. However, a package arrived here for me Monday. I did not open it until I got home because I thought it was my KnitPicks order. It was a Vermont Teddy Bear holding a lifesaver with the words, "You're a Lifesaver" on it. There was a Thank You note and it was from Gary, a Salesman here. It was really thoughtful and sweet. I brought the bear to work today and he is sitting on my desk. How cool!
I finally stood up to my boss today. His first impulse in situations is to blame me for things that are beyond my control, things that he did, and things that others did. We were talking about something and as usual, he told me I did something wrong and I had to prove to him that I did not (his memory did him a disservice again). I told him that I wish that he would investigate the situation BEFORE accusing me as he ALWAYS accuses me first and I went on to tell him that it makes me depressed. He came in my office later and tried to defend himself. I told him that it is a regular occurance. He apologized.
Michaels accusations are a joke around here. I often come to work and state to the Salesmen, "I wonder what I will be accused of today?" or "Since Michael is not in today, I won't get accused of doing something he did" and everyone laughs because they know how Michael is (and that I get a lot of it).
Sunday, we played outside. I even got to knit a bit (see the green chair behind Hunter and the little table, that is where I enjoyed the weather, the boys, and my knitting):

"I am practicing"
I had Hunter hit the ball off the T and over a wood pile. When he succeeded, I would have him move the T a bit farther away from the wood. He is in training, you know. =)

"I am having fun out here too. I can't wait to walk"
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