Friday, March 30, 2007

Last Weekend

Last weekend we went to Collinsville, which is across the Delta from where we live. Out there grows wild asparagus. We must have gotten 5 lbs!! It was kind of an adventure. We took my husband's truck (named the 'Coyote truck') and used the 4WD. The boys had fun. It was a nice family day.

Needless to say, we have been eating asparagus almost every day of the week since. This is fine because my dh and I love asparagus. I like it cooked until it is soft but I overcooked it a couple of times. Hayden doesn't mind. He likes to eat the mushy tops. I like that he likes it. I just can't get Hunter to eat veggies. He eats some fruit but he is such a picky little guy.

I have been dieting and had been doing a pretty good job. I almost made it to three weeks without a slip. However, I am PMSing and my bloated self is wanting to munch out on goodies.

Neither of us cooked last night. Rob was supposed to make dinner but he ended up handling some calls in order to help out his father. Hence, he went and got some authentic Mexican tacos (I guess my diet wouldn't have survived that anyway). Tonight, my dh is BBQing tri-tip and making a boxed pasta along with, you guessed it, asparagus.

Because I did not have to cook and wash a bunch of dishes last night, I used the time to fold clothes, vacuum, sweep and mop the floors. I have to be really diligent with vacuuming because I vacuumed one day and the very next day I saw Hayden put something in his mouth. It was a fuzzy (you know, the kind from fabric). I have to vacuum a lot anyway because, Hunter gets messy, but now it is more frequent. I don't mind, I like that Hayden can sit on the floor and explore the toys. I have to sweep most of the kitchen every evening because Hayden is learning to eat and he makes a mess. That's okay. If I walk barefoot, I like the floors perfectly clean. I have been spraying Fantastic anti-bacterial on the floor before I mop and it really makes a difference in lifting dirt.

I am thinking of taking the boys to see my paternal Grandmother on Saturday and Rob wants to go back to Collinsville for more asparagus on Sunday. I have the feeling that we may have to give some asparagus away because I don't want any to go bad before it's eaten!!!

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