Friday, April 27, 2007

Just You and Me Baby!

Rob is planning this whole shooting thing in Collinsville. His boss, co-workers, and buddies, go shooting occasionally. Some bring their kids. They shoot clay pigeons and they shoot at targets (I wonder if he is going to bring the Bin Laden targets I got him for Christmas). It is this whole big deal with him. It is like, he and his boss host it and they even invite some of the employees their company contracts with so it is like a 'PR' thing, as my husband calls it. Hunter is going to go with him and Rob is excited about that. Hunter is a Mama's boy and they need the bonding time.

Hunter has been to the gun club and stuff with Rob. I trust him because he was raised to completely respect guns. He took safety courses and his father taught him well. He comes from a line of hunters and both sides of his family hunt. Anyway, he and Hunter are going to camp there for the night on Saturday. I am excited about this because I don't get much one-on-one time with my little Hayden. When I try to read books with Hayden, Hunter has to get in the middle and tries to get attention too. I understand, he is just a little boy. However, Hunter got to spend the first two years of his life alone with me. Hayden needs a little 'alone with Mommy time'.

I plan on taking Hayden to Babies R Us to get him his own dinnerware and flatware, reading books and just playing with him. He is my little sweety. I am feeling extra bad because my husband, being very observant, told me that when Hunter succeeds in distracting me, Hayden gets a little look on his face and looks down at his little hands. My poor baby. So, from now on. I am going encourage Rob to do more stuff alone with Hunter.

I have started a new project. I am using Shaefer Yarn called Lola. It is 100% wool and superwash. I am knitting a pair of socks on 12" Addi Turbos. One of the salesladies at a LYS suggested I try it. I am excited and hope that this speeds up my time in sock knitting. I noticed that with the knitting blogs I visit, I haven't found one where the knitter uses these. They usually use the double pointed needles and some use long circulars. There has to be a reason why not many use the 12" circs. Maybe as I knit, I will find out. Then again, maybe my knitting time will speed up and I will come to love this method.

"Mommy and I are going to spend quality time together this weekend!"

Thursday, April 26, 2007

How About a Little PMS With Your Commute?

I can totally tell that I am PMSing. Things that usually wouldn't bother me, do bother me. Yesterday, I yelled at some guy. I was in the outside turning lane and he was in the inside one. I stopped at the red to turn right (he did not) and proceeded to turn. As he turned, he moved left, into my lane, causing me to hit my brakes and move into the left most lane to avoid a collision. I got next to him and yelled at him. I think he was an illegal alien. I have noticed that in recent years, our city has been flooded with illegals. Many of them drive and drive dangerously. I really don't think they know and or understand the laws and traffic signs (or maybe they just don't care. They are here ILLEGALLY). I have had so many near misses and most of the time they appear to be illegal aliens. I am so totally sick of it. You know they don't have insurance. Most of the time I am driving with my boys in the car.

This morning, as I merged onto the freeway, those ahead of me merged. Yet a guy tried to go around me, on the shoulder in an attempt to get as far ahead as he could (some creepy people often do that on this entry ramp on Hwy 4). I blocked him. He tried it three times. Later, I saw him on the freeway. He had some kids. I thought to myself, "Great, he is multiplying. His kids are going to learn to drive just like him."

I finally have a picture of my completed and blocked gift for my cousin, Bobby. They are wristbands or are they called sweatbands? Are the bands that go on your head called sweatbands, making the ones that go on your wrists 'wristbands'? I don't know? He likes to go running, so I thought that these would be cool to use to wipe his sweat. =) The way I took the picture makes them look funny. They look better in 'person'.

When I decided to do the project, I searched and searched for the right main color yarn. I used Cascade Fixation. It is made with elastic and is perfect for the bands. The yarn takes some time to get used to but it is kinda neat to work with. When I errored, I was able to stretch the stitch and easily see where to insert my needle in order to 'unknit' the stitch. The white yarn is Lily Sugar N' Cream. I did not use a pattern for it is so easy. However, I did use part of this skull chart for the design.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The New Phone Book Arrived!

I want to make a shawl or something of the sort. Hence, with some of my rebate check (from Circuit City, of which, I had to call them for several times last month because they screwed up my rebate somehow) I had decided to purchase some lace. They didn't have the colors I wanted so I ordered some bare lace weight yarn , the book Victorian Lace Today and two jars Jaquard dye from KnitPicks. It arrived today at work. I wanted to run around the office with the box saying, "My lace wool arrived! My lace wool arrived!" You know, like Steve what's his name did in The Jerk.

I wish that I had not ordered the dye because I have done some research since I ordered it. After my research, I would much prefer to use food dye. I found this wonderful article at (Note: the article also has cool links). I am going to use liquid food dye and/or Kool Aid. I have some liquid food dye at home. In addition, and most importantly, the food dye and Kool Aid are not dangerous to my boys. Furthermore, Hunter can 'help' me dye the yarn.

I do like the look of the bare yarn. So, maybe I will hold off on dyeing.

I blocked the project I made for my cousin last night. I put the project on a towel and pushed pins through to the carpet in the closet (so the boys can't get in there). Hunter did help me a bit. He is my helpy little helper and I adore the help. I will post pics of the project later.

Today is Administrative Professionals Day (Happy Admin. Prof. Day, Mom, if you are reading this). Of course, my boss, in his usual unorganized fashion, forgot. However, a package arrived here for me Monday. I did not open it until I got home because I thought it was my KnitPicks order. It was a Vermont Teddy Bear holding a lifesaver with the words, "You're a Lifesaver" on it. There was a Thank You note and it was from Gary, a Salesman here. It was really thoughtful and sweet. I brought the bear to work today and he is sitting on my desk. How cool!

I finally stood up to my boss today. His first impulse in situations is to blame me for things that are beyond my control, things that he did, and things that others did. We were talking about something and as usual, he told me I did something wrong and I had to prove to him that I did not (his memory did him a disservice again). I told him that I wish that he would investigate the situation BEFORE accusing me as he ALWAYS accuses me first and I went on to tell him that it makes me depressed. He came in my office later and tried to defend himself. I told him that it is a regular occurance. He apologized.

Michaels accusations are a joke around here. I often come to work and state to the Salesmen, "I wonder what I will be accused of today?" or "Since Michael is not in today, I won't get accused of doing something he did" and everyone laughs because they know how Michael is (and that I get a lot of it).

Sunday, we played outside. I even got to knit a bit (see the green chair behind Hunter and the little table, that is where I enjoyed the weather, the boys, and my knitting):

"I am practicing"

I had Hunter hit the ball off the T and over a wood pile. When he succeeded, I would have him move the T a bit farther away from the wood. He is in training, you know. =)

"I am having fun out here too. I can't wait to walk"

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hairy Ankles

This morning, while I was changing in the closet as not to wake the boys (yes. I know. We will pay later for letting the boys sleep with us now. But they are such cuddly bears and we love to cuddle with them) I realized that I was out of jeans. I think I had some in the washer or the dryer but did not want to go out there and get them. Hence, I decided to wear a dress. I thought about my legs and how I have not had the time to shave them lately but figured nobody could see my legs because my dress is long. Besides, I sit behind a desk all day inside my own office. So, a few minutes ago while in the kitchen, I looked down at my ankles. They are hairy and dry. I hope nobody sees them today, at work.

A good shave followed by the body butter I made would do the trick!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Another Monday

It is another Monday. I had a good weekend. I went to a family reunion for my father's side of the family. It was my Italian side of the family. They are such nice people. Although, I am a geek and find socializing awkward, I had fun talking to people (with the little talking I did). It was so nice to see them.

I spent Sunday finishing up my chores, playing with the boys and holding Hayden as he tried to sleep (he likes to be held while he falls asleep. I guess if someone would hold me, I would have them do it too!). I was even able to knit a few rows.

I finished my latest project today at lunch. I will block it and post pics soon.

Pictures from the weekend before last at Hunter's birthday party.

Here is Hayden and his cousin.

"We are standing! Soon we will walk around and get into everything!"

The birthday boy.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Frog My Project

On my lunchbreak yesterday, I had to frog my project and start again. This is so because I dropped a stitch and it ran. Since, I was only on the 9th row or so on a 40 stitch project, I figured I would start again. Besides, it has some intarsia and I made an error a few rows back when joining the other color. Hence, with my 'Stitch 'N Bitch' book in hand, I started again and joined the new color properly (Love the book, Aunt Marlyne. Thanks).

Linda took today off and my husband is home with the boys. Because I did not have to get the boys ready and take them to Linda's, I got to sleep in for an extra hour! Yippee!

I fell behind on my chores. Hence, Wednesday evening I didn't get to spend much time with the boys at all. When we got home I started dinner, picked up around the house and folded a couple of loads of clothes. After dinner I did the dishes, swept and cleaned up Hayden's dinner mess, finished folding and putting away the clothes and got the boys in the tub. While they were in the tub, scrubbed them and had Rob watch them as I vacuumed the house. By the time we got the boys out and dressed them, it was time for bed.

Last night was better. Rob made dinner and Hunter helped. I thanked Rob and told him that he enabled me to spend some more time with Hayden. Hence, while Rob cooked, I played with Hayden. Hayden ate some 'real' (meaning not baby food type) peas and rice. He really liked the peas. That is good. I also gave him a sweet potatoe/applesauce blend of babyfood. He made faces but ate it. He just isn't into fruits yet. But Rob got sneaky by buying some blended baby foods like the sweet potatoe/applesauce. Smart man.

After dinner, it was the usual dish washing, cleaning up Hayden's mess, then off to baths. This time Hayden did not sit in his seat. He got to sit in the tub 'like a big boy'. He was so happy with his new freedom. He kept scooting over to Hunter to partake in what Hunter was doing. Hunter kept saying, "Mommy, move him over." Poor Hunter, he had better get used to it because once Hayden can walk/crawl, he is going to be into everything Hunter is trying to do. Poor Hayden, Hunter is sometimes going to get irritated with his little brother getting into everything he is doing. Hayden just wants to do it too. I try to get Hunter to share and let his brother join in.

"We are in our play tent"

Thursday, April 19, 2007

People are Slobs

I am the type of person who, when browsing through sections of a store hangs up outfits I find on the floor. I do not go through a messy store and pick everything up. I hate messy stores and won't shop at them if I could help it. I won't walk down the isles and pick things up in the sections, but if I am browsing through a section and come across an outfit that has been knocked off a rack, I will pick it up. I do the same kind of stuff in grocery store, etc.

If I knock something over, I of course, pick it up. You think to yourself, who wouldn't. Yet you see some stores in shambles around the holidays and during sales. I just can't imagine being such a slob. Shame on those people. But they exist.

Every Wednesday, Mervyn's has a huge sale. Hayden could use some clothing so I stopped in after work. I saw an older woman and her older son looking for clothes for his infant/toddler daughter. I had gotten vibes from them that they were strange, maybe jerks. As I passed by the rack they were formerly looking at, I noticed a cute dress on the floor. I hung it back up. Later, I went to the register and they were having their purchase rung up. The guy brushed against the gift card display and knocked one down. He looked right at it on the floor, did nothing and went about his business. I waited for him to pick it up. He did not. I just couldn't help myself. I said, "Oh, here. I will pick that up." Note: I get this from my husband and that is EXACTLY what he would've said (He is funny). They looked at me and then went back to what they were doing. He knew what I did. I just wanted to embarass him a litte. However, it was probably all in vain for he was probably such a jerk it didn't phase him. It's okay. I got a kick from it.

Hayden is so hard to buy clothes for. He is in some sort of 'in between' size. Either stores don't really stock much of the clothing or there are a lot of boys his size and the stores don't have much of anything left. He wears a size 18 month. I can squeeze him in some large styles of 12 mo, but mostly, he is 18 mo. There's a ton of little girl clothing but not much for boys, especially in his size. I wandered around for a long time and had to get a Saleslady to help me. She pointed out a couple of racks with a few pants. I got him three pairs of pants, a few shirts, and a pair of Thomas The Train jammies. What I really wanted were some 'cutsie' outfits with legs. All of the 'cutsie baby-type' outfits had short legs or were on sizes 9 mo or smaller. I wanted some things in short sleeve with long legs because of the weather. Lately, sometimes, it isn't really long sleeve weather and it isn't really shorts weather. Oh well. The pants and shirts will do but they are more like 'little boy clothing'. I like to put Hayden in 'cutsie baby' types of outfits while I still can. Oh well, when I get my other rebate check, I will look around again.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hunter's 3rd Birthday

Had a wonderful weekend. The family got together on Saturday for Hunter's birthday. He had so much fun. There's always good food and good fun when that side of the family gets together. He had gotten adorable clothes, books, and toys. He even got a savings bond.

Last night was his official birthday. When I picked him up from Linda's, she said that he had not napped. I told her that that happens to me sometimes and he gets 'psychotic' in the evening. I was worried about him because we were going out. He did fine. In fact, he was even better behaved than if he had napped. I guess he was just so happy. We took him to Round Table. Hunter and Rob played video games. Hayden did well too. Later, we headed out for ice cream. However, I received a call from my Mom and they were at our house with an ice cream cake. Fortunately, we hadn't gotten ice cream yet and we were only a few blocks from the house. We met them. We sang, Hunter blew out the candles and opened his gifts from Mommy and Daddy.

Some of Hunter's gifts included a mitt with a baseball, a T-Ball stand that can be converted to throw balls. I bet you can't guess what sport we are going to teach him soon. I recall my Father playing catch with my brother and teaching him to bat. I wanted to participate and he taught me too. I can't wait to do the same with Hunter. I want to get him into the T-Ball league (if there is one. I have to research). Hunter is very athletic. He does handstands against the wall and the bed and he does summersaults. I think he will do well in baseball.

My latest project is a gift for my cousin. His birthday is soon. Today is slow for me at work and the bosses are out. I have a few things I can do, but I will save it for tomorrow. Maybe I can work on knitting the gift for 1/2 hr before leaving.

Friday, April 13, 2007

My Poor Baby

Easter mornng, Hayden's eyes were producing a lot of mucus and just kept on producing all day. I know he wasn't feeling well and had a cold but we were worried that he had something more. When we got home on Easter, we called Kaiser and made an appointment for Monday. My Mom stayed home with the boys while I worked. I took an extended lunch break and we went to the appointment. As it turns out, in addition to his cold, Hayden has 'pink eye'. The Dr. said that he could return to childcare on Wednesday, but he was feeling so awful and it was so sad. He just wanted to be held constantly so we just did not have the heart to return him to daycare. Therefore, my Mom stayed home Monday through Wednesday, I stayed home Thursday, and my husband is home with them today.

The Dr. gave us eyedrops for Hayden. The first couple of times Rob and I put them in, Hunter just could not bear Hayden's crying and struggling. He would turn away. You see, we would have to hold down Hayden's little arms and pry open his eyes while the little guy cried and cried. It was tough. Rob would leave for work late in the mornings so we could give him the medicine together. By Wednesday, Hunter was fine with it and even helped me by holding down Hayden's arms so I could give him the drops. Hunter tries to be so helpful. He really cares about his little brother. I remember the first time Hunter saw me take Hayden's temp. rectally, he said, "No, Mommy. That hurts!".

Hayden is doing much better. His little eyes cleared up within a couple of days of the appointment. Nobody else has caught it. So things are looking well. He still has a bit of a cough and is still very 'needy'. It is okay. He doesn't fell well. My poor little baby. It is so sad when one of my babies is sick. I just wish that I could be there for them more often. Rob and I wish that I could stay home with the boys until they are a little older, but we can't afford it. On the other hand, I really like that Hunter is in daycare. He has so much energy and has so much fun with his friends. It gets hard for him when we stay at home. He needs to play with little friends.

I was able to wash my car Thursday, when I stayed home with the boys. I also was able to vacuum and do a few loads of laundry. I didn't get to vacuum my car or finish the windows but that is okay. Hayden needed me.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


I am home again today. I feel cruddy. My head is still plugged. I HAVE to go back to work tomorrow. I know that Michael (my boss/President) is not liking the fact that I am out sick. But you see, he is going to catch it as he always does. The last time he was sick he spent something like three days in bed. I don't wish being ill on anyone but, when someone gets irked that you are out sick and they catch it and they go through what you went through, it makes them understand. I caught this bug or whatever you may call if from Rick (another owner of the company). In fact, a good portion of the illnesses that the boys and I catch comes from Michael and Rick. For me, I am not just out of work because I am sick, I will be out when one or both of the boys is sick and the three of us don't get sick at the very same time. Usually, one gets it a few days after the first, etc.

Hunter has been riding his bike today. I wish I could get him to dress like this EVERY time he rides his bike. I guess it is a little overboard but one can only wish.

"I am very safety minded today"

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


We went to visit my paternal Grandmother on Saturday. On the way, we stopped at a yarn store. I wanted to use up the rest of my gift certificate. The owner was nice and so was one of her workers. But then, there it was, the mean hag who follows us around whenever we go to that place. She stays nearby, ready to pounce on Hunter. He even got blamed this time for unraveling a ball of yarn. He may have been touching it but it was unraveled before, that is what attracted him to the ball. I really wanted to say something to her like 'you really don't like kids, do you' or 'are you going to follow us around every time we come here'. I almost said to Hunter, 'I need to spend this gift certificate so I don't have to come here anymore because of that mean lady' but I bit my tongue. Oh, I was tempted. I did, however, tell Hunter that he needed to not touch anything because that lady will say something to him. I of course, said it so she can hear me.

Little Hayden had a bit of a runny nose on Saturday. In the afternoon and evening he threw up. Poor little guy. He was sick. He was fussy Sunday and screamed a lot (his way of saying 'I really need something'). I stayed home with them yesterday because Hayden was still fussy. That afternoon, my nasal area plugged, my throat became sore, the roof of my mouth and my teeth hurt, and I had the worst headache. I am so glad that Rob made dinner for us (BBQ ribs).

I couldn't sleep last night. My whole head hurt so much. I took cold medicine (Dr. approved), used saline solution in my nose, and had the humidifier going full blast. Nothing worked. So around 11 pm, I decided to take some pain medicine so I could sleep. It worked. I called in today because I am back where I was last night, with the same symptoms. I am in constant pain. I am debating on whether to take the boys to Linda's or not. I think I should so I could get some rest.

"I getting ready for the Easter egg hunt"

"I, messy face, want my picture taken too!"