Friday, April 13, 2007

My Poor Baby

Easter mornng, Hayden's eyes were producing a lot of mucus and just kept on producing all day. I know he wasn't feeling well and had a cold but we were worried that he had something more. When we got home on Easter, we called Kaiser and made an appointment for Monday. My Mom stayed home with the boys while I worked. I took an extended lunch break and we went to the appointment. As it turns out, in addition to his cold, Hayden has 'pink eye'. The Dr. said that he could return to childcare on Wednesday, but he was feeling so awful and it was so sad. He just wanted to be held constantly so we just did not have the heart to return him to daycare. Therefore, my Mom stayed home Monday through Wednesday, I stayed home Thursday, and my husband is home with them today.

The Dr. gave us eyedrops for Hayden. The first couple of times Rob and I put them in, Hunter just could not bear Hayden's crying and struggling. He would turn away. You see, we would have to hold down Hayden's little arms and pry open his eyes while the little guy cried and cried. It was tough. Rob would leave for work late in the mornings so we could give him the medicine together. By Wednesday, Hunter was fine with it and even helped me by holding down Hayden's arms so I could give him the drops. Hunter tries to be so helpful. He really cares about his little brother. I remember the first time Hunter saw me take Hayden's temp. rectally, he said, "No, Mommy. That hurts!".

Hayden is doing much better. His little eyes cleared up within a couple of days of the appointment. Nobody else has caught it. So things are looking well. He still has a bit of a cough and is still very 'needy'. It is okay. He doesn't fell well. My poor little baby. It is so sad when one of my babies is sick. I just wish that I could be there for them more often. Rob and I wish that I could stay home with the boys until they are a little older, but we can't afford it. On the other hand, I really like that Hunter is in daycare. He has so much energy and has so much fun with his friends. It gets hard for him when we stay at home. He needs to play with little friends.

I was able to wash my car Thursday, when I stayed home with the boys. I also was able to vacuum and do a few loads of laundry. I didn't get to vacuum my car or finish the windows but that is okay. Hayden needed me.

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