Monday, May 7, 2007

A Break

Hunter has been fully testing me lately. He will do something like kick me. When I tell him not to, he does it again. He has been this way for about 3 days. It has been really tough to deal with. Hunter isn't usually like this. Rob said that he only acts whiny, needy, and/or defiant when I am around.

Sunday Rob took the boys to visit his Father in the hospital. The drive was about two hours each way so they were gone for about 5-6 hours. It was a much needed break for me. I finished the laundry and some other chores. I even made a casserole for Monday and another for Tuesday. I love dinners where all I have to do is pop it in the oven or even the crockpot.

I was able to knit for about an hour on Sunday while the boys were gone. I finished the heel and am now on the foot of my sock. I am hoping to work on it at lunch. However, it is the boss' son's birthday today and the boss wants to 'do something' for lunch. Hmmm. I don't recall us 'doing something' for other's birthday's here.

I noticed that I have been whiny in my posts lately. I have to knock it off. Who wants to read negative stuff?

I am thinking about joining the Summer of Socks 2007. I like to knit socks because they are quick (kind of) and they look cool with handdyed yarns. During the three month span of the Summer of Socks 2007, at the rate I get to knit, I may only make 2-4 pair, but hey, it will be fun. I am looking forward to seeing what other people are knitting. Someday I would like to knit the German Stocking by Cookie A. It looks very intimidating but isn't it cool!! Someday.

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