Monday, December 4, 2006

First Weekend of December

Ahhhh!! I put the babies to bed and my dh and I stayed up late Saturday evening to watch Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman is very good looking). I was able to knit for about an hour. I now have both legs of Hayden's little pants on circular needles. No more stockinette stitch!!! Knitting continental style is awesome, purling is a little annoying. Furthermore, I can see on the little pants where I knit instead of purled and vice versa (give me a break, this is my first project knitting continental style and it is my first project knitting in stockinette stitch). I even used a row counter. I must have failed to count a new row here and there. I know that the cast on yarn tail could give me a clue as to where I am too. I know that if the tail is on the left, I should knit and when it is on the right, I should purl. However, I just did not pay attention. I am not going to worry about it. I am glad the pants are a little fuzzy, making my mistakes less obvious. Sunday was a good day too. I put the boys down for a nap and hung out with my husband outside. I just shoved my ball of yarn in the pocket of my sweatpants and stood around talking to my husband while knitting. I was quite proud of the fact that I was able to multitask so. =) Love those circular needles.

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