Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Stupid Day

Do you ever notice that when you are totally busy at work, stupid people from other companies call and ask stupid questions? It is like they have some sort of radar which tells them when to irritate you most. It is like they are bored or something and try to be as stupid as possible so that they can waste as much of your time as they possibly can. Maybe they enjoy irritating people with their stupidity. Maybe they are just so dumb that they need to call others to get some instruction as to what they are doing and how to do it so they can feel that they are accomplishing something at work. Who knows. I know that I was bombarded with stupidity today and it was my job to let them know (subtly and gently in some cases) how stupid they are being. Note: I am the 'Accounting Department' at this company.

I didnt get to do much knitting today. I think I knit for 5 minutes. I spent most of my lunch obsessively reading in a blog called Crazy Aunt Purl. She is so funny. She is great. It inspires me to actually have a sense of humor again, instead of darn serious. I used to be sort of funny. What happened?

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