Friday, December 15, 2006

My Job

Yesterday I was able to knit at lunch for about 35 minutes!! Woo!! Hoo!! I am now up to the waist band of little Hayden's pants. Yes!! I am hoping to finish maybe by the end of next week?! I can't wait to post a picture the finished product. You know, I have all of these ideas for plus sized clothing and I just don't have the time to even research and learn how to knit them. Most of the plus sized patters are so boring (with of course, the exception of White Lies Designs). Us big girls want to have style too!! Anyway, sometimes, when I have an idea, I draw a picture of it. Although, my drawing sucks, when I look at the pic, it reminds my brain of the picture it had when I drew it (did I confuse you?).

My job is easy. I do my 8 hours and go home. No overtime, no stress. It is just easy. I went from Business Manager to Bookkeeper. This work is hurting my ego and with two kids in daycare, definately hurting the pocketbook!!! I know. I know. The kids are too little to get a salaried job with stress and overtime. But I miss the pay, the feel that I am doing something really important, and the action. Here, I am the low man on the totem pole and unless I am related to one of the owners I don't get paid $*&t. I know that this is only temporary. When the boys are older I would like to do taxes or maybe become a CPA. When I got preg. with Hunter I was working on an MBA. This brings me to another thing. I was more content with my job until I started seeing how if you are related to one of the three owners, you don't really get raises and are underpaid. We have 8 people here and three are owners, two are sons of owners, and three of us are unrelated. The President's son has been promoted to 'outside sales' which means he basically gets paid good money to sit here and surf the web most of the day. He makes more than anyone here who is not an owner. Don't get me wrong. He is a good kid and wants to work. I can tell by some of the things he does, he does not like being treated differently than the rest of us. Then you have the other owner's son. He makes what I make. However, I feel bad for him because I feel that he should at least be making what the Presidents son made before becoming an 'Outside Salesman'. I guess I should quit complaining. I know darn well that at other jobs if it isn't relatives, it is favorites and he who kisses ass most eloquently is favored. I hate job politics. I am too much of a geek to be cool. I just like to work hard, be good at what I do, and get paid good money. I get great pleasure from that. As a Business Manager, even though it was a high stress job with crazy hours and sometimes awful travel time (I was once tranferred to a job site in Lincoln for 9 months until it was complete. The commute was 1 hr 45 min each way! I recall getting home at 11 pm some nights), I looked forward to going to work. I even worked 45-70 hours a week WHILE GOING TO SCHOOL AT NIGHT! Okay, I must have really liked my job to do that!!! I just want to go to my office and work and be rewarded for the good I do and the hard work I put in.

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