Thursday, February 1, 2007

Clothing Find

I made good progress on Hunter's sock this week. Tuesday was slow and the owners of the business where I work were out of the office. Hence, not only did I knit during lunch, but I also knit for another hour!!! It was awesome. I wish I could just knit here, when it is slow. I don't think the owners would like it. Instead I look busy by doing as everyone else does and surf the web, read and send emails, etc.

Ever since I expressed my concern about Hunter's Sunday night nightmares, my dh has been cooking/getting dinner all week!! How cool!! I forgot what Monday was. He BBQ'd steaks on Tuesday. He went and got Mexican food last night and he is going to toss in a frozen lasagna tonight. Therefore, I have had more time to play with the boys!! It has been wonderful break. I do like to cook though, but I should start letting him cook more often. It gets tough on weeknights. I pick them up from childcare and get home around 5 pm and we usually go to bed before 9 pm (more like 8:30). Hence, we only have 4 hours for dinner, dishes, playtime, baths, etc.

I just remembered that I have some zucchini that needs to be used before they go bad. I think I will make some breaded zucchini. Yummy. Maybe we could trick Hunter into eating some again by telling him they are 'zucchini french fries'.

Hunter loves Thomas the Train. I found this awesome web site that has more Thomas clothing than I have seen anywhere. It is called I found some Thomas the Train pants with shirt sets for $9.99. I also found some sweat outfits for the same price!!! What a bargan!! I was so excited, I copied and pasted my order onto an email I sent to my Mom so she could see what great prices I paid! What a great day for a bargan hunter!

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