Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Do You Want To Hold My Hand?

This morning, at Linda's, while I was taking Hunter out of the truck, Hailey's mother pulled up. I said, "Look, there's your friend Hailey." I ask Hunter to carry and give my baggie of breastmilk for Hayden, to Linda in the mornings. Anyway, he went over to Hailey, her little brother, and her mother and said, "Look it's baby brother's milk." It was funny. Then Hailey said, "Do you want to hold my hand." Hunter said, "Yes." They held hands and walked across the lawn and into Linda's house together. It was sooo adorable. Hailey's mother commented on how cute it was. I said that I wished I had a camera. On the way to work, I remembered that I do have a camera on my phone. However, I had Hayden in my arms and by the time I would have gotten the phone, they would have already gone into the house (I might have gotten them to stop and pose). I am just kicking myself in the butt for not taking a picture. Little Hailey is a sweet little girl.

Hunter and I made up baggies for his friends. I purchased a bag of little Nestle Crunch hearts and a bag of Kisses. Hunter and I put a dum dum, a few hearts, and some kisses in a baggie. Then we took a Scooby-Doo valentine and punched a hole in it, ran red and white ribbon through the hole and tied the baggie closed. We made one up for each of his daycare friends, Linda and the neighbor kids. Hunter will pass them out tomorrow. We are going to give Linda some of the body butter also.

I worked on the sock today. Somehow, after making the heel, I turned my work the wrong way during the gusset work and ended up purling. I did not notice for a few rows. I ripped it back those few rows and put it back on the needles. I am anxious to start the gusset again.

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