Thursday, February 8, 2007

I Want to Make 'Coff'

Hunter and I often make Rob's lunch and coffee together. Sometimes, out of the blue, Hunter will tell me that he wants to make 'coff', meaning he wants to make Rob's coffee. I pour the water and set up the filter. He counts out the scoops of grinds, closes the filter area, and pushes the delay button. He is so funny. When he is finished, he likes to tell daddy what he did for him. He also likes to show daddy the sandwiches we make for him.

I have received Hunter's clothes from yesterday. I washed them last night and he is wearing this outfit today. He is also wearing his Thomas shoes that light up. Hunter just LOVES Thomas. He looks so cute. I know it seems materialistic but I like to put him in Thomas clothes (when I find them on sale), he looks so cute in them. I don't put him in designer clothes or anything like that (even if I could afford to (or even wanted to), my dh wouldn't let me). When Rob saw the clothes for Hunter he asked me what about Hayden. I felt rotten. But Hayden just got some clothes a few weeks ago. Hunter is getting taller and I couldn't pass on the sale so I purchased the clothes in a size bigger than he has been wearing. I know there is a bunch of 12 month clothes somewhere from when Hunter was little. I need to find them so Hayden can wear them soon.

Hayden can eat crackers now. He likes to gnaw on teething biscuits. I feel so bad for him because he watches Rob play with Hunter on the bed (Hunter likes to jump on and wrestle Rob). Hayden reaches out to Rob because he wants in on the action. Soon, he will be able to make it over to Rob. Hayden can scoot backwards a little. Linda is really good with 'tummy time'. One day I arrived at her house and all the remaining kids were trying to teach Hayden to crawl. How cute. He is getting better at communicating. He grunts, 'clucks' (as Rob calls it), and makes other noises. He often objects when we try to set him down. He is funny. I can't wait until he can walk around. I know it will happen soon.

I finished the ribbing on the top of Hunter's second sock today. Yay, now I don't have to purl for a while.

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